Nové knihy v knižnici ASPEKTU

Do knižnice pribudli nové publikácie, ktoré APEKTU darovala mimovládna organizácia Aliancia žien. Knihy sa venujú násiliu páchanému na ženách, kriticky analyzujú politické systémy v rôznych krajinách prostredníctvom kategórie rodu a informujú o ženách v politike. Aliancii žien za darované knihy ďakujeme.

Násilie páchané na ženách:
Božac Delžan, L.: Violence Against Women: An Indepth Survey. Banjaluka - Zenica - Sarajevo: Information Centre for Disabled People ,,LOTOS“ 2000.
Duvvury, N. a kol.: Domestic Violence in India: A Summary Report of Four Records Studies. Washington, DC: International Center for Research on Women 2000.
Duvvury, N. a kol.: Domestic Violence in India: A Summary Report of a Multi-Site Household Survey. Washington, DC: International Center for Research on Women 2000.

Björk, Malin. (ed.): Women and EU Enlargement: Women´s NGOs - Key actors for equality between women and men in Europe. Brusel: The European Women´s Lobby 2003.
Diamantopoulou, Anna: Employment in Europe 2003: Recent Trends and Prospects. Luxembourg: European Communities 2003.
Mesežnikov, Grigorij (ed.): Voľby 2002: Analýza volebných programov politických strán a hnutí. Bratislava: Inštitút pre verejné otázky 2002.
Spurek, Sylwia: Women Parties Elections. Warsaw: Women Rights Center Foundation 2002.
United Nations - Department of Public Information: Platform for Action and the Beijing Declaration: Fourth World Conference on Women; Beijing, China, 4-15 September 1995. New York: United Nations 1996.
Weber, Renate a kol. (eds.): Women 2000: An Investigation into the Status of Women's Rights in Central and South-Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States. Vienna: IHF 2000.